New FUVR050 Series
Portable off-line filtration unit specific for reducing or eliminating the presence of varnish in hydraulic and lubrication systems.
The new FVR050 series is the ideal solution for filtering highly degraded oils. Equipped with the U5 filter element with VRE option, it efficiently removes non-solid substances like varnish, as well as solid contaminants. This advanced technology ensures optimal oil regeneration, extending the lifespan of components and delivering high-performance and reliable operation.
What is the varnish?
During normal operation of a hydraulic system, the lubricant or hydraulic fluid can separate insoluble substancesdue to thermo-oxidative degradation of the fluid itself.
Several phenomena can lead to the separation of these substances:
- Thermal degradation due to the presence of hot spots (T > 100°C) and electrostatic discharges;
- Hydrolysisand oxidation due to the presence of air, water and solid contamination acting as a catalyst;
- Micro-dieseling due to cavitation
These substances are called ‘varnish precursors.When deposited on the surfaces of hydraulic system components, they form a thin, insoluble, sticky layer called ‘varnish’.
Varnish has detrimental effects on the operating properties of hydraulic components such as bearings, servo-valves, pumps, etc.
How can it be removed?
By using dedicated filter media and a low flow rate, varnish precursors can be removed from the hydraulic fluid and lubricant.
Filtrec filter elements with the ‘/VRE’ option can effectively remove non-solid substances such as varnish, as well as solid particle contamination.
These filter elements, found in dedicated filtration units, combine high efficiency glass fibremedia (ß4(c) ≥ 2000) and dedicated cellulose fiber media to achieve high filtration performance for solid and non-solid contaminants.